BFCC and Glasgow Casting Club event

The Bristish Fly Casting Club  contacted us over a year ago now and asked if we could assist in organising a Scottish day well it happened today in Glasgow.  About 30 of us gathered in Pollok Park on a bleak September day in the pouring rain but despite the rain we all had a great day.  Mike Marshall organised the event and Mike Heritage, John Reynolds, Rodger Miles and Tracey Thomas gave up of their time, traveled from the deep south by road and air and proceeded to share their expertise with us.

Brian pushing his 5 weight

What experts they were the leading light of BFCC, Mike Marshall, and FFF Master Mike Heritage, along with GAIA members Roger and John so much quality in one place. Group lessons were arranged for those who wanted them followed by competitions which were great fun.


I was delighted to see the enthusiasm of some of our Glasgow boys the young bucks were taking to distance casting like ducks to water.  I must make special mention of Willie McGuire and Malcolm Prescot who won trophies.  Full results will be posted on the BFCC web site in the next few days, please do not ask how I got on all I know is that I need to do a great deal of practice before next year, yes the date is fixed for the 9th September 2012 and as this year places will be restricted so book early through me or Mike Marshall.


Pollok Park in the rain


On a final note Mike Marshall celebrated his 75 birthday earlier this year and one of the competitions the BFCC run is for a  T120 Double Handed Fly Distance  (Any rod up to 17’ (5.2m). Any shooting head line 120gm max)  they looked like carp rods with an extension.  Mike on the day won by a mile somewhere in the region of 212 ft.  We watched as he prepared a very slow and beautifully prepared false cast and then he let go it was effortless and from where we stood we could tell it was a long one as the guys marking  had to run backwards, thanks Mike for showing us that it really is down to technique.

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